It was a quiet day in Sin Junction. The kids were just getting out of school.
Noah and Gabe, the oldest of the Adderson kids, stood there in the Sin Junction General Store with their sisters Triniti and Kaeli, as well as their little brother Aedan.
The Adderson’s lived at the end of Clifford Road at the North end of town. They were one of the few church going families left in Sin Junction. Thanks to their upbringing they had a great grasp of the concept of right and wrong. That would come in handy in a town like this.
One of Noah’s classmates, known as “Bad” Buford, was in the store also. He was probably up to no good as usual. The group of siblings noticed Buford eyeing some candy. Old Man Guns, the owner of the store, was keeping a keen eye on him as well. Buford waited patiently for the old store clerk to look away or to go in the back so he would have his chance to take the candy.
Old Man Guns, who was called that because of the dual shotguns on the wall behind the counter, took one last cautious glare at Bad Buford before going back to the storeroom. Buford saw his chance and he slipped the 5 cent candy into his pocket.
Noah and Triniti saw this and they confronted Buford. They told him in unison that it was not right for him to take what did not belong to him. He shrugged them off and replied, “What? Will I go to jail because of a nickel?”
Unlike Triniti and her siblings, Buford was not brought up with any kind of sense of right and wrong. Triniti tried to convince him for several minutes to put the candy back on the shelf. Aedan, who had just turned two, kept looking at the candy and saying, “Reach it, reach it!” That’s when the front door swung open and a tall figure stood there. It was the Sherriff, Tony Samoni.
“Jail will be the least of your problems if you steal that candy”, Tony Samoni said with the voice of authority. Not only was Officer Tony the Sherriff of Sin Junction, he was also an expert in God’s Law. He knew the 10 Commandments like he knew the badge on his chest.
Tony Samoni informed Buford that regardless of the value of the candy, he would be seen as a thief in God’s eyes and that no thief would inherit the Kingdom of God. Officer Tony always opted to carry a Bible rather than a gun. He drew his weapon open to 1 Corinthians 6:10 to show Buford where it said that.
Tony went on to explain that if Buford didn’t want his parents to know where he got the candy, he may have to lie to them if they saw him with it. Officer Samoni let Buford know that lying is bad and that the Bible says that liars will end up in a real place called Hell. Hell is where people who disobey God’s Laws are destined to go as punishment.
Tony continued, “Not only that Buford. By doing these things, you will also dishonor your mother and father. So, with this 5 cent theft, you would certainly be guilty of breaking my laws. What’s worse is that you will also end up being guilty of breaking 3 out of 10 of God’s Laws on Judgment Day.”
“I never thought a 5 cent candy would bring so much trouble”, exclaimed Buford. “I’ll put it back Officer Tony. Old Man Guns will never know.” “What about God, Buford? He knows and I already told you His punishment for thieves and liars”, informed Tony.
“Now you might not think a night in the Sin County Jail is bad but I can assure you that you don’t want to go to the place of punishment for people who are guilty of breaking God’s 10 Commandments”, Tony explained.
Buford cried and said, “What can I do so that God will forgive me Officer Tony? I don’t want to end up in Hell. I’m truly sorry for what I’ve done here today! I’m sorry for all the bad things that I’ve ever done.”
“Buford, I can see that you are sorry and I have Good News for you”, Tony reassured. “God made a way for you to be forgiven and to go to Heaven. He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Jesus rose again three days later, defeating death so that we can escape the punishment due to us in Hell.”
Tony continued, “What you have to do is ask for forgiveness. Then repent, or turn from your sins, and put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.” Buford, in tears, confessed his sins to God right then and there in the General store. He thanked the kids for correcting him and he also thanked Officer Samoni for sharing God’s Law and His grace with him.
Old Man Guns, who had overheard the whole thing from the back, came out and gave the Adderson kids some candy free of charge. He looked over at Buford and said, “You just received something you did not deserve, God’s grace and mercy. If God can do that for you so can I.” He handed Buford a piece of candy as gift and said with a wink, “It’s on the house.”
Buford left the General Store that day a changed young man. He didn’t look at sin the same. He saw even a lie as exceedingly sinful and was so grateful that God had made a way for him to be forgiven. Buford went home and told his whole family the events of the day and how Jesus could help them too. They knew something miraculous had happened. He was definitely a changed boy.
Another day has passed in Sin Junction. Thankfully Officer Samoni and the Adderson kids were there to stand up for what is right. Evil will challenge Good every day and God needs more Ambassador’s like Tony Samoni to take a stand against it. He needs faithful deputies everywhere, not only in Sin Junction. Are you with Him?Junction. Are you with Him?
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